Vim or Emacs... decisions decisions...

This will be a part of a series where I’ll be trying the devil’s question. Vim, or Emacs. I do understand that for taking a real big advantage from any of both, you should be a long-term user, as it implies a lot of configuration and it takes a lot of personal taste.

Nevertheless, let the journey begin…

I’m currently using a Macbook Air with Yosemite in it.

Emacs… let’s do it.

  1. Installation brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head --with-cocoa --srgb

  2. If you didn’t link emacs app to your applications folder, I’d suggest you to do so. brew linkapps emacs

  3. Once you start emacs, you can close it by pressing: C-x C-c Please note that C means Control

  • Keyboard basics
Key combination Action
C-p Up one line
C-n Down one line
C-f Forward one character
C-b Backward one character
C-a Beginning of line
C-e End of line
C-v Down one page
M-v Up one page
M-f Forward one word
M-b Backward one word
M-< Beginning of buffer
M-> End of buffer
C-g Quit current operation
  • Basic functions and their shortcuts
Key combination Function Description
C-x C-s save-buffer Save the current buffer to disk
C-x u undo Undo the last operation
C-x C-f find-file Open a file from disk
C-s isearch-forward Search forward for a string
C-r isearch-backward Search backward for a string
replace-string Search & replace for a string
replace-regexp Search & replace using regexp
C-h t help-with-tutorial Use the interactive tutorial
C-h f describe-function Display help for a function
C-h v describe-variable Display help for a variable
C-h x describe-key Display what a key sequence does
C-h a apropos Search help for string/regexp
C-h F view-emacs-FAQ Display the Emacs FAQ
C-h i info Read the Emacs documentation
C-x r m bookmark-set Set a bookmark. Useful in searches
C-x r b bookmark-jump Jump to a bookmark.

To be continued…