Vim or Emacs... decisions decisions...
This will be a part of a series where I’ll be trying the devil’s question. Vim, or Emacs. I do understand that for taking a real big advantage from any of both, you should be a long-term user, as it implies a lot of configuration and it takes a lot of personal taste.
Nevertheless, let the journey begin…
I’m currently using a Macbook Air with Yosemite in it.
Emacs… let’s do it.
brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head --with-cocoa --srgb
If you didn’t link emacs app to your applications folder, I’d suggest you to do so.
brew linkapps emacs
Once you start emacs, you can close it by pressing:
C-x C-c
Please note that C means Control
- Keyboard basics
Key combination | Action |
C-p | Up one line |
C-n | Down one line |
C-f | Forward one character |
C-b | Backward one character |
C-a | Beginning of line |
C-e | End of line |
C-v | Down one page |
M-v | Up one page |
M-f | Forward one word |
M-b | Backward one word |
M-< | Beginning of buffer |
M-> | End of buffer |
C-g | Quit current operation |
- Basic functions and their shortcuts
Key combination | Function | Description |
C-x C-s | save-buffer | Save the current buffer to disk |
C-x u | undo | Undo the last operation |
C-x C-f | find-file | Open a file from disk |
C-s | isearch-forward | Search forward for a string |
C-r | isearch-backward | Search backward for a string |
replace-string | Search & replace for a string | |
replace-regexp | Search & replace using regexp | |
C-h t | help-with-tutorial | Use the interactive tutorial |
C-h f | describe-function | Display help for a function |
C-h v | describe-variable | Display help for a variable |
C-h x | describe-key | Display what a key sequence does |
C-h a | apropos | Search help for string/regexp |
C-h F | view-emacs-FAQ | Display the Emacs FAQ |
C-h i | info | Read the Emacs documentation |
C-x r m | bookmark-set | Set a bookmark. Useful in searches |
C-x r b | bookmark-jump | Jump to a bookmark. |
To be continued…